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Conditions Commonly Treated with Excellent Results:

​​Women's Health



Frozen Shoulder


Stroke Rehab




Sports Injuries

Headaches / Migraines

Stress / Tension


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome





Mysterious Scars




Allergies / Asthma






Sore Throat

Irritability / Anger



​​Back and Neck Problems

TMJ Disorders / Dental Pain


Anxiety / Depression


Gastrointestinal Disease


Constipation / Diarrhea



Skin Conditions


Cough / Colds & Flu

Immune System Deficiency


High Blood Pressure

Bladder / Kidney Problems

Sexual Disfunction / ED

Vision Problems

Weight Loss / Gain


Nausea / Vomiting


Dizziness / Vertigo





Facial Rejuvenation

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Facial Pain

Post Stroke Neuralgia

Bell's Palsy

Tri Geminal Neuralgia 



Post Herpetic Neuralgia

Labor Induction

Breech Baby

Drop Foot

Tennis Elbow

Golfer's Elbow


Pregnancy Care

Post-Partum Recovery


Carpal Tunnel


Morning Sickness

Smoking Cessation






Irregular Cycle


Seasonal Affect Disease

Eye Issues

Poor Focus / Concentration


Oncology Support



Knee / Hip Pain

Eczema / Psoriasis

Long Haul Covid



Self Care


How Many Treatments Will It Take? 


Usually, a series of treatments are necessary to resolve a condition. Each case and condition are treated individually. A consultation is required to determine requirements. Treatments can be between 45 to 90 minutes in length with the first consultation usually lasting longer. Most acute conditions can be treated successfully within 3 to 10 visits. The relief stage for chronic conditions can take up to 20 visits.


Does Acupuncture Treatment Hurt?


Most patients have stated that there is little, or no pain as very fine, sterile, disposable needles are used. Our sterile needles are single use and disposed of through medical waste services. 

How long does a treatment last?


An initial visit for a new patient lasts approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours.   For follow up visit and established patient visits last approximately 40 to 60 minutes in length.   



Are Dr. Sarah and Dr. Mark medical doctors MDs?


They are not MD's or DO's. They are Doctors of Acupuncture and Oriental/Chinese Medicine (DACM or DAOM designation depends on graduate program attended) While the educational programs are very similar in many ways, only 200 hours of pharmacology are completed in Chinese Medical Programs and 1000 hours of Chinese Herbs and Formulas are added. The post-graduate Master programs are 3000 hours and 4 years. The Doctor programs are an additional 1-2 years and 1528 hours and can be a diagnostic hybrid of eastern and western medicine.



For hundreds of years before the X-rays, MRIs, CAT Scans, blood labs or any other modern medical test, physicians accurately diagnosed and treated the entire range of conditions using only their hands, minds and simple tools from nature. The time they spent evaluating their patients enabled them to treat with often remarkable results. We continue that superior tradition of time-intensive treatment and evaluation today. We use techniques from both eastern and western medical traditions to treat you, the person as well as your condition fully. We do on occasion order modern testing or refer your condition to other professionals. Our main goal for you is results!

Traditional Chinese Medicine
The techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, Medical Manipulations (TuiNa) and Gua Sha have been refined over thousands of years. We are now finding the scientific explanations for these modalities but what really matters is the consistent results that are experienced in internal medicine as well as pain relief. Treatments are gentle, safe and effective.

Herbal Prescriptions
Traditional Chinese Medicine uses specific combinations of herbs to create powerful formulas. Individualized prescriptions match your signs, symptoms, emotional temperament and overall composition of your body. We treat you, the individual not just the illness. The right diagnosis plus the right formula always yields results! We may prescribe a few days or a few weeks. 

Creativity + Hard Work 
Each treatment may involve the use of multiple integrative therapies, designed specifically for you, from both Eastern and Western medical traditions. Sessions respect your comfort level while working to efficiently accomplish your therapeutic goals.

A Caring Environment
We want the best care for you. This includes treatment from our highly trained, caring staff. Your condition, health and safety are our top priority. If we cannot properly treat you here, we will help you find the right person or facility using our referral network of highly skilled medical practitioners. We want to create a healthy relationship with all of our patients.

Gua Sha, Cupping
Herbal medicine


Saint Acupuncture LLC

282 Redfern Village

Saint Simons Island, GA 31522



Proudly serving veterans and their families


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